October 2015

Men's favorite pastime (next to sex or possibly the Superbowl) is getting a blow job. Even better, an unsolicited, impromptu he-didn't-even-have-to-ask-for-it kind of job.

Some guys consider it even more intimate than sex; your warm mouth, tongue, and lips can bring him some of the most thrilling sensations possible. The last thing he wants to think is that it's a chore for you. Most often, a woman's resistance to giving one has to do with his hygiene, the taste, or simply not having the confidence of knowing the "right moves" to please him. The good news is that all of these problems can be solved. I promise you can learn to love or at least like giving a blow job.
First you have to target what's holding you back. Maybe you had a bad first experience. You might not like swallowing, or maybe you're convinced that you just don't know what you're doing once you get there. Here are some tips to help you go down like you mean it (which is the only way to do it):
1. You've got him by the balls:
Being so completely in control of someone else's pleasure is a powerful feeling. You can make him experience things in a completely different way than he feels with his own hands. Plus, you can use it to tease him, to get him ready for sex, or you can make it the main event. You're now the center of his universe and you hold the power to blow his mind.
2. You've got mad skills:
No matter what, if you put his penis in your mouth, he's going to feel pleasure. You don't have to be an expert, just do keep a few things in mind: Teeth are a no-no, so stretch your lips completely over your teeth and make sure to stay that way. One of the biggest mistakes women make is not using enough pressure, so don't be afraid to suck and use your hands (a great way to compensate for and compliment a tired mouth). Be sure to add variety and change up your speed, pressure, and movements. When he's about to come, keep doing what you're doing!
3. Fake it until you make it:
I'm not talking about orgasms; those better be the real deal. I'm referring to your level of enthusiasm. Just like we want to know that he's into it if he is performing oral sex on us, he wants to make sure we're having a good time down there. Even if you're not having the time of your life, enthusiasm is the biggest turn-on for men, so lick it like it's the most delicious ice cream cone you've ever tasted and you don't want to miss a drop.
4. It's best when it's reciprocal:
If he's been going down on you, it's only fair to reciprocate. If he's not doing it but you'd like him to, this is the perfect excuse to ask.
So don't make it about his birthday, your anniversary, or because you promised him three months ago. Do it because you want to please him (and, no, you don't have to swallow).
Emily Morse is a sexologist, host of the top downloaded podcast Sex With Emily, and cofounder of Emily & Tony. Emily has a doctorate in human sexuality, is the author of Hot Sex: Over 200 Things You Can Try Tonight, and a weekly cohost of the nationally syndicated radio show Loveline With Dr. Drew Pinsky.
Photos: Getty Images

According to some recent studies from the Oxford Journals, if you're looking for an accurate personality test, look no further than your very own hands. More specifically, your RING FINGER because it turns out, the length of your ring finger indicates the amount of testosterone you were exposed to in the womb. The longer or shorter it is, the more telling.

To see what your fingers say about you, straighten out your left hand and compare it to the images below.

Hand "A" means your ring finger is longer than your index finger.

Hand "B" means your index finger is longer than your ring finger.

Hand "C" means your ring and index finger are the same length.

Did you find which letter best describes your fingers? When you know the answer, keep scrolling down:

Hand "A" means you are charming!

Do others often flirt with you, or respond well to your flirtations? It's probably because your ring finger is longer than your index finger.

You ooze with confidence and charm, so you tend to take more risks - and they often pay off generously. Some might say you can be a bit aggressive, but if you know what you want, why not go for it?

If this doesn't sound like you, it might be time to make some changes in your life, because your fingers say otherwise! Your perfect profession would be soldier, salesperson, or CEO.

Hand "B" means you're a natural leader!

Would you consider yourself a confident, take-charge kind of person? If your index finger is longer than your ring finger, then your answer should be "heck yes!"

You were born to lead the pack. In sticky situations, you're quick on your toes and eager to guide the way. Resourceful, even-tempered, and confident, people look to you for the right answers.

If you don't agree with this, then your genes are telling you to reassess yourself, because you're destined to hold the reins. Your ideal job would be politician, author of self-help books, or teacher.

Hand "C" means you're a good communicator!

Are people always telling you their deepest secrets, even if you don't know them very well? It's probably because your ring finger and index finger are the exact same length.

You're a balanced person who tends to listen twice and speak once, and people are drawn to that. You make others feel comforted and appreciated when they need it most. You're peaceful, compassionate, and warm, so you're at your best when helping others.

If you don't connect with this description, then it's time to look inwards and find the balanced, softer side of yourself. Your fingers prove that it's there. Your ideal profession would be nurse, social worker, or therapist.

So, what's your personality? Let us know in the comment section below.

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Description: Watch as this woman gets kidnapped by a man. It is truly terrifying! And the worst part is that it was her birthday when it all happened!
He grabs her from the back and waits for a SUV to arrive. Once it does, a man gets out of the car and tries to open the trunk. When he does, something completely unexpected happens!
Watch the video above to find out what was inside the trunk! Prepare to be shocked!

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Description: She had chosen to take the unconventional road. She had chosen to follow her passion. She was often demoralized, ridiculed and even bullied. But she had the courage to hold her ground.

And, one day something remarkable happens that changes people's perception about her.

Watch this inspiring short film on women empowerment to see how women prove their worth before the world.

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Description: Unsurprisingly, as soon as the man puts his hands on his girlfriend, almost every stranger around them immediately jump in to defend the girl, absolutely appalled and angered by his actions.

When it's the other way around however, you won't believe what the passersby do while the girl beats on her man.

Our society is biased when it comes to men and women. Different rules apply to both men and women, making these 'rules' hypocritical and sexist in nature.

A man is abused by a woman every 37 seconds. Think about that disturbing fact as you watch this video:

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DISCLAIMER: The earlier version of the post had some information that we weren't able to verify. It has since been corrected.

On one side, you see random acts of kindness everyday that give us reason to hope for a better future for our country. But then incidents like this happen which take away our faith in humanity. Women were stripped and beaten up in full public view by goons. And to make matters worse, it happened in the presence of police. If this is not a disgusting, new low for India, nothing is. This video - recorded on a camera phone - will make you cringe.


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Description: A turban is a few meters of a piece of cloth. But, for a Sikh, it is a crown.

These two Sikh men from Sangrur set aside religious code of conduct and took off their turban to save the lives of eight drowning youths who had gone to a canal for the immersion of the idol of lord Ganesha on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi.

The heroic act of Inderpal Singh, 34, and Kamalpreet Singh, 25, using their turbans to save the lives of eight drowning youths at Sullar Gharaat village in the district went viral on social media on Tuesday after a video of the two surfaced. However, the incident occurred on Friday evening. The religious code of conduct doesn't allow Sikhs to take off their turbans.
Inderpal and Kamalpreet were part of a group of devotees who had thronged Sullar Gharat village to immerse Ganesha idols in a canal. "First, five youths slipped into the canal while immersing the idols. They had fallen very near to the canal bridge and shouted for help. I immediately spotted a wire lying near the bridge and rescued two of them with the help of the wire. However, three others were still caught in a current," said Inderpal.

"Then, three persons jumped into the canal to rescue the trapped trio. However, they, too, were caught in a whirlpool. Then I threw my nine-metre-long turban into the canal and pulled out three youths," he added.
The footage of the rescue act appeared on social media after which the two were highly appreciated for what they had done. The rescued youths were identified as Inderpal Singh, Jiwan Singh, Kamalprit Singh and Inder Tiwari. Inderpal, one of the youth saved, said their saviour had first tried to pull them out with the help of a wire that was lying on embankment of the canal but it broke. He then used his turban.

Inderpal Singh's life-saving act was similar to an incident that had taken place in New Zealand in May this year when Harman Singh, 22, had used his turban to save the life of a boy who bled from the head after being hit by a car in Auckland.

The turban is one of five articles of faith worn by Sikhs and is regarded as a symbol of strength and honour. Sikhs remove their turbans only in the privacy of their homes as a matter of respect towards it. But when religious is set aside to save the lives of people, the faith in humanity is restored.

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Description: Speed has become an integral part of our lives today. We rush to meet deadlines and get to office meetings in time. We rush through our chores at home to get some 'otherwise impossible' quality time for ourselves. We gulp down foods instead of eating slowly in order to give more time to other more useful stuff like playing games or browsing the internet. And we have also come to the point that waiting in a long line to get God's darshan seems too much, to the extent that we bribe our way into the VIP line to get a quick glance of the Lord.

So how exactly has speed changed our lives? And how necessary is it for the current generation? This video will give you a hint.

'Being Indian' recently asked the folks in Mumbai about their opinions on speed and its necessity in life. The answers that came back from driving and punctuality to enjoyable moments, relationships, rapid lies and super fast internet (again another impossible thing in India). Watch as the Mumbaikers come forward to express their views on how speed has become an essential element to catch up in what is called 'Life's never ending race.

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  • You will eat more

If you find it very hard to function without an air-conditioning at home, in the car, at work, or even on shopping- your body will find it even harder to adjust to the summer temperatures. If you have confused your brain with big changes of the temperature, it will compensate the change in unusual ways. There are higher chances that you wish to grab a salty, fatty or sweet snacks with high calorific value, which you would hardly need to eat when it`s very hot.

  • You will drink less water

In a cooled house you will have less need for fluids, and consequently, you will drink less water and other drinks which stimulate the detoxification of your body. It`s well known that the regular water consumption reduces hunger and also makes your face and body skin look beautiful.

  • You could fall sick

If you can`t live without air-conditioning, at least be careful with adjusting the temperature. The difference between your outside and inside temperature shouldn`t be higher than 5 degrees.

If your body is exposed to air-conditioning and afterwards you go out on hot asphalt, you might bring yourself to thermal shock which could lead to a cold or even more serious disease.

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Description: The guy in this prank video knows exactly what he wants for his birthday, so he decides to take to the streets to ask some random ladies if they're willing to help him achieve his birthday goal!
The video shows Vincent Valentine from SoFloComedy going out and asking some girls for some birthday lovin', and their reactions are pretty priceless!
A lot of girls shut him down right away, some give a conciliatory hug, and others point him in the direction of girls that might be interested. Did he end up finding what he was looking for? You'll have to watch to find out!
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Description: This video is heartbreaking! Watch as this young man raps about his mom and what it has been like for him to lose her at such a young age.
In this video we can see him shirtless in a parking lot, pouring his heart out and spitting lyrics like: 'You always said you love me, but I never said the same to you'.
What did you think of this incredibly moving rap? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
If you think this young man has potential as a rapper then SHARE this post with your Facebook friends!

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Description: Trick shots are awesome. That's a fact. But some trick shots are much more intense than the rest. One athlete who's come out on top in the trick shot world is Kevin Libertowski, and you'll see why when you watch his latest stunt.

With one trampoline, two basketballs, and a whole lot of practice, this kid pulled off something you'll have to see to believe.

Amazing right? SHARE it With your friends on Facebook!

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If the average pregnancy were longer than nine months, how different would the world be? Would there be more or less women giving birth? One woman's account of her daunting pregnancy has women around the world entertaining such thoughts. Although nine months isn't exactly a long period of time, imagine is pregnancy lasted approximately two years? This woman allegedly knows exactly how that feels and she isn't a happy camper!

As outlandish as it may seem, one woman reportedly claims she's been pregnant for nearly two years. According to


a satirical website, Angie Dellora of Bellingham, WA has been awaiting the arrival of her son for 23 months. Although she was initially overjoyed about the idea of motherhood, now she's becoming a bit impatient. The grief-stricken, mother-to-be is absolutely fed up with pregnancy.

During a recent news interview, she voiced her frustrations and revealed some of the agonizing medical complications she's suffered as a result of the daunting "unbearable" pregnancy. She also revealed the baby's unbelievable weight at this point. Needless to say, he's definitely surpassed the weight of an average newborn!

"I can't take it anymore," explains to us the hopefully soon to be new mother. "I have a rare blood disease which is preventing my fetus to get good levels of oxygen, causing my baby's organs not to grow as fast as his body. My doctor had warned me about the possible risk of a longer pregnancy, but he told me a month maybe two at most. It's been almost 2 years, 2 years. I can't even walk anymore it's been 4 months. My baby weighs 19 pounds, it's unbearable," she continued.

It has been reported that Dellora's rare pregnancy has left doctors quite baffled and medical experts have yet to come up with a logical explanation for the lengthy pregnancy. Although Dellora is quite concerned about her health, she makes a gratuitous effort to remain positive and hopeful that she'll be able to deliver soon.

"Something really needs to happen soon or he's going to be too big to get out if this continues," said Dellora. "I found an experimental acupuncture project in China on the internet, which is said to aid with calming the nervous system and production of blood cells so I'm keeping my faith."

Dellora's shocking rare pregnancy claim has turned many heads via social media. Lots of Twitter users have given their take on the two-year pregnancy, and of course, many are quite flabbergasted by the report. Although news outlets have reported the "amazing" story, many have questioned the validity of her claim and are skeptical about whether or not she's really been pregnant for two whole years.

2 year pregnant and counting http://t.co/keg50ZscyY

- Anthony Starks (@ironman44320) May 28, 2015

#JamSnippets: Pregnant for two years!!!! Angie Dellora, a 32-year-old Bellingham resident, can't take being. http://t.co/myKNNVWzJJ

- Radiocity 97FM (@97fmRadiocity) May 28, 2015

So, can a woman be pregnant for so long? Theoretically, it's totally impossible, which is why the woman's claim is false! The jaw-dropping pregnancy claim is nothing more than a hoax story developed for a great laugh!


is a popular, satirical news site known for sharing "shocking" news stories. However, "shocking" doesn't always mean the stories are actually true. Angie Dellora's claim definitely isn't!

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Description: Actor Varun dressed up as a fake baba and a lot of people believed he was a baba with magic powers; dark magic powers. What is it about dark magic powers that we want to believe in those more than good magic powers?!

In this experimental video we see how people easily believe in babas and how easily that belief leads to fear.

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So would you?

If a man, who is a stranger were to come up to you and your wife and offer you $110,000 cash for one night with your wife, what would you say or do?

What if you were the wife? What would you do if a strange man offered you and your husband enough money to by a house, just for one night alone with you?

Youtuber JoeySalads put these questions to the test in his latest Youtube video.

Joey walks up to a couple leaving the grocery store and asks if they are married, once they say yes.Joey jumps right into his sales pitch. Armed with a ten thousand dollar roll of cash and a briefcase full of hundreds totaling one hundred grand.he puts on the pressure.

Watch the video below to see what happens!

.and for the record.there is no amount of money where I would share my wife with another man. Well..maybe.if she was down with it and we hit the million dollar mark..maybe..ok.I would.

Let us know what you would do in the Facebook comments below! Share this with your partner too.ask them what they would do in this situation!

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