April 2015

Have you been outside lately? You know how you are seeing more people using tablets and smartphones? Well, it's not a trend as much as the norm any more. Walking around, we are plugged in to our mobile device. At some restaurants, the waiter or waitress takes our order. Mobile is ubiquitous. So why, why, why are there still so many businesses that have not yet adapted? I don't know, and the good news is that you have a way to take advantage of the new reality. As smartphones and tablets are ever more capable of performing tasks that used to be only capable on desktop, one thing is crystal clear: Internet surfing, connecting on social media, checking emails and online shopping is being taken over by mobile. Naturally, because mobile Internet usage is steadily increasing, you can see that it's extremely important that your website is mobile friendly. In the past, you had a website designed for desktop users and another site specifically developed for mobile users. But, now we need a website optimized for desktop, tablet and, mobile. Are you really gonna build multiple unique sites to accommodate the various screen sizes? There actually is a method to satisfy many types of users. It's called responsive web design. According to a report by Morgan Stanley, Mobile Devices will overtake Desktop usage this year. 2013 may have been hailed as "The Year of Responsive Design", but RWD is far from last year's news. Put simply, having responsive design means a website adjusts depending on which device they are being displayed on, ensuring that whether the content is viewed on a phone, tablet, or desktop computer, the website will remain user-friendly, which is ultimately the most important feature of any website or blog. So as though you really needed them, here are the Top 12 Reasons to convert to Responsive Web Design.

#1. Recommended By Google Since Google is the primary search engine to impress with your website, it is smart to follow what Google loves. Google not only recommends Responsive Web Design (RWD) as the best way to target mobile and tablet users, and also favors mobile-optimized sites when presenting results for searches made on a mobile device. This is especially true when mobile users search for local services. It's important to note more searches are originated on mobile devices. Of course there is still debate whether a separate mobile website or a single, responsive site is the best route to take. From an SEO perspective, a single site is the better option (More on this later). Separate mobile websites have their own URL and different code, whereas responsive sites use one URL and one set of pages and files, making it simpler for Google more efficient for Google to crawl, index, and organize content and avoids issues of duplicate content. With 67 percent search market share, when Google speaks, search marketing professionals listen. Google now states that responsive web design is the industry best practice. When you think about it, it's also easier and less confusing for users to share, interact with, and link to than content on a stripped down mobile site. For instance, a mobile user who shares content from a mobile site with a friend on the Facebook app who then accesses that content using a desktop, which results in that user viewing a stripped down mobile site on their desktop. This creates a less than optimal user-experience, and because of the large emphasis Google is now placing on user-experience as a ranking factor, this is essential to take into account with regards to SEO.

#2. One Website, Multiple Devices Providing a great user-experience across multiple devices and screen sizes is the most appealing and most critical aspects of responsive web design for today's uber mobile world. Take the following example. I search for a birthday gift on my smartphone during a break at work. I then continue researching this product on the same site on my MAC when I get home. Because the site is responsive, won't be frustrated with the extra steps to locate the desktop version of the site, and find the product all over again. #3. Easier to Manage Having a separate desktop and mobile site requires having separate Google Adwords campaigns, SEO campaigns and separate Google Analytics reports. Managing one site is of course, far easier than managing two sites. There can be an argument made for multiple sites though, such as having a mobile-specific Adwards and SEO strategy, such as optimizing for keywords that are more likely to be searched when someone is on their smartphone. #4. Positive User Experience Is Key If a user lands on your mobile website and is frustrated or doesn't see what they are looking for, according to Google's Think Insights on Mobile, there's a 61% chance they will leave and go to a different website. Data shows a positive experience with your responsive website a user is 67% more likely to buy a product or use a service. #5. Blogging and Social Activities Bring Mobile Visitors If you're like most smart Inbound Marketers and incorporate blogging and social media in your strategy, you have most likely been seeing increased mobile traffic. A recent study by ComScore cites that 55% of social media consumption happens on a mobile device. SHOCKER! #6. Responsive Design is Preferred for SEO Typically, Responsive Websites perform better and are easier to maintain. One thing not mentioned above is that a challenge of having a separate mobile site is that you will need to build the authority of this site from scratch, and who wants to go to that extra trouble? #7. Responsive Helps Combat a High Bounce Rate Even if your regular website is sitting pretty in search results, if it looks and performs like crap on my tablet or smartphone, bounce rate will be a big problem. Non responsive websites will suffer from a high bounce rate if the content is too stripped down, or just plain clunky and too challenging to work with compared to the content offered on the main/desktop site. Google will naturally interpret this high bounce rate as a sign that a website irrelevant, which will lead to your drop in rankings, which is why we don't see mobile versions of sites ranked high. RWD means that there is no more compromising on the content you choose to display! #8. A Speedy Responsive Website is Key The content per page on a mobile or tablet device should load in under 1 - 2 seconds according to the Google PageSpeed Developers standards. I'm not sure how possible that is when loading a desktop website on a mobile device. I haven't timed it, and I can tell you that I don't wait long before I close the window. #9. Responsive Adapts to Future Devices As alluded to earlier, the benefit of responsive design is that the size of the template is designed based on screen size not device. Obviously, regardless of what size screen someone is viewing your website it will display properly for that screen size.  Unless, there will be a worldwide movement to standardize on one screen size, responsive design is here to stay. Having a mobile website is no longer just a nice feature or after thought. Fully functional websites for all screen sizes are mission critical for the growth of your business. What's the ROI? check out is this "Full Value of Mobile" calculator by Google. Input your different business and marketing variables to learn how your metrics can be increased with proper responsive mobile design. #10. Responsive Design allows you to keep track of who visits your site The great thing about online assets is that you can see who visits them, which allows you to increasingly improve your targeting. It should go without saying that with multiple versions of your site, it is more challenging to track analytics. This is the same logic against multiple business listings on various directories like Yelp, Manta, Merchant Circle, Kudzu, etc. because traffic is diluted between the various versions of your site. As a user, it can be extremely frustrating when searching for a site and then needing to find the most current and accurate site listed on the SERPs. Just sayin. #11. Responsive Design saves you money. Have you ever heard the saying: You get what you pay for? There is a reason that saying still lives today and applies to Responsive design. Sure, a complicated, well crafted, responsive design could be expensive to develop or implement (Unless you select one of the 1000 options available for WordPress websites), but once published, you can maintain it quite easily. This is much more economical to maintain one site rather than multiple sites, wouldn't you agree? #12. Responsive Design has Pay-Per-Click benefits. Google AdWords has now converted the web to "enhanced campaigns". What this means for you is the targeting of various devices is the treated the same. The benefit for you is that a website using Responsive Design makes it a whole lot easier to manage your PPC. Businesses have much more flexibility and control in how they reach consumers which are, you guessed it, using more mobile devices. "Google's enhanced campaigns represent the biggest single change in the past 10 years to the basic structure of AdWords campaigns," says Larry Kim, founder and CTO of WordStream. Source: Tips and Tricks HQ Image Courtesy: Lautundklar.deBondgrpSmart Insights Thank you for patronizing Design Blaster. I am sure your visit to us must be quite satisfying and in line with your expectations from us. Just in case, it's not as you expected from us or if you are facing any problem, kindly forward your feedback's directly to us by leave a Comment below or using our Contact form. And, get assured response from my side. Your feedback's and suggestions are extremely valuable to us. This Post is written by GeoKasur. There is no any source so Copying or using this post for your own site is not allowed. If anyone do so get ready for facing DMCA. Please, if you like this post then share on your social networking sites. Assuring you of our best service always.

A developer or any always looking for new codes or new sites. While browsing sometimes we need an instant temporary notepad to save a link, text or passage. First click on Start Button then Search for Notepad then paste in it; this process seriously very long. There are many Browser's Extensions that work as Notepad but these extension are heavy and can slow down your PC/Mac. My this trick is a Simple Trick. You can make an instant Temporary Notepad within a second with single click. This is Awesome, right? Use this feature anytime by saving it in your Bookmarks and Done. Better Dark Notepad with Spelling Check

#1: Instant Browser Notepad <br/><br/> By Design Blaster | DesignDevta.Blogspot.com" target="_blank">Click here to open in new tab
#2: Drag below icon to your Browser's Bookmark bar.

Instant Browser Notepad <br/><br/> By Design Blaster | DesignDevta.Blogspot.com" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">

Better Dark Notepad without Spelling Check

#1: Instant Browser Notepad <br/><br/> By Design Blaster | DesignDevta.Blogspot.com" target="_blank">Click here to open in new tab
#2: Drag below icon to your Browser's Bookmark bar.

Instant Browser Notepad <br/><br/> By Design Blaster | DesignDevta.Blogspot.com" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">

Simple Notepad without any Style

#1: Click here to open in new tab
#2: Drag below icon to your Browser's Bookmark bar.

Image Courtesy: Free Images Live

Thank you for patronizing Design Blaster. I am sure your visit to us must be quite satisfying and in line with your expectations from us. Just in case, it's not as you expected from us or if you are facing any problem, kindly forward your feedback's directly to us by leave a Comment below or using our Contact form. And, get assured response from my side. Your feedback's and suggestions are extremely valuable to us. Please, if you like our this post then share on your social network. Assuring you of our best service always.

Facebook keeps a record of everything you search for on its Web site. Check out this How To guide for cleaning up the list, or just limiting what information Facebook is storing about you. Each time you look for a friend, business, or personality on Facebook, it gets saved to your search history. Supposedly, this makes it easier for you to find what you were looking for later without much work. Unfortunately, the search history might be cluttered with queries that don't require quick access - like someone you've already become friends with, a brand you're already following. If you want to limit some of the information Facebook is keeping about you, or just tidy up the list, it's just a few clicks away. Here's how to get started:

How to? #1: Log in to Facebook. #2: Go to your Profile or click here

#3: Click on View Activity Log Button (On the Right Bottom of your Cover with Update Info)

#4: Now click on More look below Photos, Likes & Comments. (From Left Side Menu)

#5: Many options will be appeared. Find Search Option and Click on it.

#6: Now Click on Clear Searches Text (On Top Left Side)

#7: Final Step. I Popup will be Come. Click on Blue Clear Searches Button.

#8: Done

Source: C|net Image Courtesy: Cite Social Thank you for patronizing Design Blaster. I am sure your visit to us must be quite satisfying and in line with your expectations from us. Just in case, it's not as you expected from us or if you are facing any problem, kindly forward your feedback's directly to us by leave a Comment below or using our Contact form. And, get assured response from my side. Your feedback's and suggestions are extremely valuable to us. This Post is written by GeoKasur. There is no any source so Copying or using this post for your own site is not allowed. If anyone do so get ready for facing DMCA. Please, if you like this post then share on your social networking sites. Assuring you of our best service always.

Everyone likes free stuff, which is why starting today we're making Quickoffice available for free, for everyone. With Quickoffice, you can edit Microsoft® Office documents across your devices, giving you the freedom to work with anyone no matter what hardware or software they're using. Quickoffice also integrates seamlessly with Google Drive storage so you can safely access your files from anywhere. And while the easiest thing to do is simply convert your old files to Google Docs, Sheets and Slides, Quickoffice gives you another way to work with people who haven't gone Google yet.

You can get the new, free Quickoffice app for Android and iOS phones and tablets on Google Play and in the App Store. Simply sign in with your Google Account to start editing Microsoft Office documents, spreadsheets and presentations on mobile. You'll also notice a number of new features, including a refreshed icon, the ability to create .ZIP folders, and view charts in Excel® and PowerPoint® files. Plus, the new app works across devices so you don't have to worry about installing separate versions anymore when you go from using your phone to editing on your tablet.

While we're on the topic of free stuff, if you sign in to your Google Account from the new Quickoffice app for Android or iOS by September 26, 2013, an extra 10GB of Google Drive storage will be added to your account for two years (look for it in the next few weeks). So don't let your hardware or software differences get in the way of true collaboration -- download the new app and start working together today.

Source: Google Drive Blog Image Courtesy: Android Central Thank you for patronizing Design Blaster. I am sure your visit to us must be quite satisfying and in line with your expectations from us. Just in case, it's not as you expected from us or if you are facing any problem, kindly forward your feedback's directly to us by leave a Comment below or using our Contact form. And, get assured response from my side. Your feedback's and suggestions are extremely valuable to us. This Post is written by GeoKasur. There is no any source so Copying or using this post for your own site is not allowed. If anyone do so get ready for facing DMCA. Please, if you like this post then share on your social networking sites. Assuring you of our best service always.

WhatsApp Messenger is an instant messaging app for smartphones that operates under a subscription business model. The proprietary, cross-platform app uses the Internet to send text messages, images, video, user location and audio media messages. In January 2015, WhatsApp was the most globally popular messaging app with more than 700 million active users, with India alone having a user base of more than 70 million.

Recently Whatsapp got new feature. That is "Free Whatsapp Calling". Yes, this is true. Now you can call free to your Whatsapp Contacts. WhatsApp calling support both Rooted and Non rooted phones. WhatsApp is rolling out this Calling feature on Invitation Basis. You need to get an Invite from a person who already got this WhatsApp calling feature. Screenshots

How to Get WhatsApp Calling feature?

You need some requirements to get feature. Read below:

  • Your Phone Must be Supported by WhatsApp.

  • You Must have active WhatsApp account.

  • You must update your WhatsApp application version 2.11.528 or 2.11.531, You can update WhatsApp from Playstore or from Whatsapp Site.

  • You need an invite from a Person who already have WhatsApp Calling feature active.

It's possible that WhatsApp may have set a limit to the number of users one could invite or is only allowing a limited set of users at this time to test its networks. So anyone who can make calls, can invite others and spread it.

Comment below that "I need this feature" and Send me your Whatsapp Phone number with your Name and Country Code by hitting below Contact me Button.

Contact me

Thank you for patronizing Design Blaster. I am sure your visit to us must be quite satisfying and in line with your expectations from us. Just in case, it's not as you expected from us or if you are facing any problem, kindly forward your feedback's directly to us by leave a Comment below or using our Contact form. And, get assured response from my side. Your feedback's and suggestions are extremely valuable to us. Please, if you like our this post then share on your social network. Assuring you of our best service always.

I'm a Blogger Template Designer so i know almost every Blogger Template's Code that need to build a Blogger Template. This list of Codes is very helpful for new Blogger Template Designer. Actually not only for Designers. Sometimes anyone want to show particular thing like comment numbered in his/her site. So this here is the list.
Conditional Tags

To Show something on Home Page only.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>  Codes here </b:if>

To Hide something from Home Page only.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'>  Codes here </b:if>

To Show something on Post Pages.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>  Codes here </b:if>

To Hide something from Post Pages

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>  Codes here </b:if>

To Show something on Pages.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "static_page"'> Codes here </b:if>

To Hide Something from Pages.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "static_page"'> Codes here </b:if>

To Show Something on particular URL.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "URL of the page"'> Codes here </b:if>

To Hide Something from Particular URL.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url != "URL of the page"'> Codes here </b:if>

To Show something on Post Pages and Pages.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:post.url'> Codes here </b:if>

To Hide something from Post Pages and Pages.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:post.url'> Codes here </b:if>

To Show Something on Home Page, Archive Page and Search Page

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'> Codes here </b:if>

To Hide Something from Home Page, Archive Page and Search Page

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "index"'> Codes here </b:if>

To Show Something on Archive Page only.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "archive"'> Codes here </b:if>

To Hide Something from Archive Page only.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "archive"'> Codes here </b:if>

To Show Something on Error Page.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "error_page"'> Codes here </b:if>

To Hide Something from Error Page

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "error_page"'> Codes here </b:if>

To Show Something on Search Page only.

<b:if cond='data:blog.searchLabel'> Codes here </b:if>

To Show Something on First Post only.

<b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'> Codes here </b:if>

Author Codes

Author Name:


Author Profile URL:


Author Image:


Time Stamp


Numbered Comments figure


Full Comments Stamp

<b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'> <b:include data='post' name='comment_count_picker'/> </b:if>


<b:if cond='data:post.labels'> <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'> <data:label.name/><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>,</b:if> </b:loop> </b:if>


<b:if cond='data:top.showLocation'> <b:if cond='data:post.location'> <data:post.location.name/> </b:if> </b:if>

Email me

<b:if cond='data:post.emailPostUrl'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='http://img1.blogblog.com/img/icon18_email.gif' width='18'/> </b:if>

Post Edit Pencil Icon

<b:include data='post' name='postQuickEdit'/>

Thank you for patronizing Design Blaster. I am sure your visit to us must be quite satisfying and in line with your expectations from us. Just in case, it's not as you expected from us or if you are facing any problem, kindly forward your feedback's directly to us by leave a Comment below or using our Contact form. And, get assured response from my side. Your feedback's and suggestions are extremely valuable to us. Please, if you like our this post then share on your social network. Assuring you of our best service always.

Freelancing is a way of life for many small business owners. Plus, in today's market, many employees moonlight as a way to earn extra income. Getting started and spreading the word about your services when looking for freelance jobs is not always easy. There are many good websites for temporary jobs and contracts with freelancers in mind. Some only post specific freelance categories, such as writing, design or coding, while others are more general. If your networking has come to a standstill, below are some sites to try for more work. Note: Many of these sites are also good places for business owners to find talented people to help them get things done, too. This is a two-way street of opportunity.

General Freelance The big three contractor/freelancer and trusted sites are:

  • Guru

  • Elance

  • Odesk.

All Freelancers #01: Guru offers a wide variety of freelancing jobs and allows you to create up to five different profiles. Their commission is variable, but they handle tax reporting so you do not have to give out your Social Security number to every employer. Escrow ensures freelancers are paid, but can be confusing. The onsite messaging is awful, but they will accept outside evidence in disputes. #02: There are five major job categories on Elance: Programmers, mobile developers, designers, writers and marketers. But you can drop down into a wide ranging list, too. As one of the top freelancing websites, they maintain a great site and service. The commission is higher than most. They offer escrow payment and dispute resolution, for those jobs that don't go right. #03: Odesk is designed for freelancers who prefer hourly wages as opposed to flat fees. They are a little more expensive in their commissions, but they cover employer tax costs if the employer wants to hire you through their payroll service. You need to log in to the website while you work so it can record screen shots. #04: If you have a talent (such as being able to design a business card in one hour), PeoplePerHour is the freelancing website for you. It works like the other freelancing websites, but also allows you to post "hourlies" to drive business to you. In general, there are fewer jobs, but they are higher quality. #05: Freelanced is a job posting site. You have to register to use it, but memberships range from free to $7 per month based on the features you want. Once you find an employer, Freelanced bows out of the relationship, so you will need to arrange for payment through Paypal, Escrow.com, or another mutually agreeable way. #06: Any job can be posted on Freelance Switch, but it primarily has IT style jobs with a few SEO, design, and writing jobs. It is best known for its blog and freelance information. The job board is primarily classifieds. You apply and then everything is taken offsite including payment. It can also be difficult to navigate and has very few jobs posted overall. Freelancers must pay a $7 monthly fee to be able to bid on jobs.

#07: Aquent has a unique business model that works as part freelancer connection and part international temp service. You have to apply, be tested, and go to one of their many locations for a fact-to-face interview. But they will match you up with temporary employers that pay decent wages. It primarily has jobs in design and marketing but caters to many types of jobs. #08: Rat Race Rebellion is a job-posting site that focuses on work-at-home and freelance jobs. There is no fee, but the site warns that it is supported by advertisements, so you have to be careful where you click. The actual jobs that are posted are screened for legitimacy. The advertisements are not. Everything is arranged offsite, but they have some nice resource links on their FAQs page for spotting scams. #09: FlexJobs is one of my favorites. This site is an aggregator, of sorts, collecting jobs they find all over the Web. But they have real people research, sift, and sort telecommuting, part-time, remote jobs of all types. It has a monthly subscription fee or $14.95 or $49.95 for an annual subscription.

#10: Patch is an online journalism freelancer website. You need to create a profile to apply for jobs writing local news stories. You must live near the reporting areas. #11: If you are an established writer (you have a blog or a book for sale), Online Writing Jobs (formerly QualityGal) might be the place for you. You apply to them and they have articles posted that you can choose to write. Payment is through weekly mailed checks or Paypal. #12: Post your resume or search job listings on Journalism Jobs. There are a variety of writing jobs, but most are targeted toward journalism. #13: Media Bistro has an excellent job board as well. Less freelance focused, but they have the occasional post that is flexible or temporary. #14: Pitch Me reverses the concept of a job-posting site. Here, freelancers pitch the articles they want to write and editors select them. To sign up, you have to click on the sign-in icon, fill in the information, and be accepted. It looks like the website takes care of payments and charges a flat fee plus commission to editors when they accept your articles. #15: If you are a Canadian writer, Canadian Freelance Writing Jobs caters to you. It offers high standards of community and pay for Canadian writers. Jobs are screened and profiles can be posted, but pay is done offsite. This website is also advertising-supported and free, but it is easy to spot the ads.

#16: TextBroker is another great service to build a profile to sell your writing skills. Like most of these services, it works both ways: I used TextBroker to get a big blogging project done earlier this year and was pleased with the quality. I have not signed up as a writer, but have considered it. They use Paypal, but cover the fees for writers. Very well organized and focused on quality. Artists and Designers #17: You can upload your artwork (as a sample or for sale) on Artwanted.com. People can search by artist information or by keywords for artwork. They charge a 15% commission if you process through them, but no fees are charged if you get paid through Paypal or another service. There is a $39/year premium membership with added benefits and the option of selling your artwork on mugs and things like that. #18: 99Designs is for designers. It allows them to showcase their work in the logo store, accept 1-to-1 projects, and design something for a "contest." Only the winner of a contest receives payment. Like other freelancer websites, it offers both escrow and invoicing payment options. Employers pay to use the website. #19: Computer Assistant is an interesting website for tech freelancers who are willing to work onsite. You register with them as you do on other freelancer sites and are then screened by them. When jobs in your area come available, based on your availability and skill, you will be notified and can bid on them. If you win the bid, you have to get a signed work order from the job and return it to get paid. #20: GetACoder targets IT people who are looking for freelance jobs. It is similar to Guru and Elance, but every job is completed through an escrow payment. Freelancers are charged both a commission on each job and either a per project fee or a monthly membership fee. There are a few jobs outside of IT listed, but not many. #21: Smashing Magazine created the Smashing Jobs outsourcing board for freelancers to pick up work. Like the other tech job boards, it isn't pretty, but it's functional. The employer pays a fee to post the job, but all other payment terms are worked out between employer and freelancer. Odesk, mentioned above, is also heavily tech-focused. #22: You can get online tutoring jobs on Tutor.com after you pass through the application process. You must commit to five after school hours per week. People are given preference if they pass tests for multiple subjects and pass tests in high-demand subject areas. #23: There is also ispeakuspeak, which pairs you with ESL students and allows you to teach as much or as little as you want. #24: Arise directs work toward tech support, customer service, and sales representatives who have obtained certification in their fields and adhere to Arise's standards. (For example, you cannot have a generic email like Gmail or Yahoo, and you must incorporate). They pay per call, per minute, or per hour.

#25: If you are an expert in certain areas of knowledge, you can get paid to answer other people's questions on Just Answer. You choose the questions to answer, but you have to fill out an application/profile, take a brief test, and verify that you have some sort of knowledge credentials (such as a certification or college degree). You get paid a percentage based on your ratings. #26: Notary Publics can register with CDS Signing Services, and they will schedule you with potential clients who come available in your area. #27: Attorneys, paralegals, and law support staff can check out Update Legal. You apply to their website, and they will help match you with temporary or permanent positions. They also offer benefits. #28: Uber, Lyft, Sidecar, and other ride-sharing services are popping up all around the USA. You go through a background check and other steps to become an approved driver. Drivers for some of these services are bringing in hundreds per day. #29: Airbnb is the home, apartment sharing app that allows you to rent a room in your home, or your entire home, for business and leisure travelers. Most cities are okay with it, but a few municipalities have passed regulations, or are trying to ban the service. I have read of numerous entrepreneurs that have used the service to get their software startup off the ground and people who have completely left their day jobs to focus on providing rooms. fiverr for sbt #30: Fiverr is a well-known online service match-making provider. Everything from graphics to marketing to sign-holders (people who will hold your sign and snap a quality photo of it for you to use). There are people who will run an errand or transcribe an audio file. Most of the tasks start at, you guessed it, five dollars. Whether you are freelancing or adding side projects to supplement your income, the new economy offers lots of ways to build a business. These sites are truly the tip of the iceberg. Source: Small Biz Trends Image Courtesy: B Plans Articles Thank you for patronizing Design Blaster. I am sure your visit to us must be quite satisfying and in line with your expectations from us. Just in case, it's not as you expected from us or if you are facing any problem, kindly forward your feedback's directly to us by leave a Comment below or using our Contact form. And, get assured response from my side. Your feedback's and suggestions are extremely valuable to us. This Post is written by GeoKasur. There is no any source so Copying or using this post for your own site is not allowed. If anyone do so get ready for facing DMCA. Please, if you like this post then share on your social networking sites. Assuring you of our best service always.

Google Code is expired now. You can not host any files on Google Code now and in next year on Jan 25, 2016 Google will completely shut down their Google Code Service. This is a bi issue for those using Google Code for hosting their JavaScript, CSS, etc Files even personal project. Next Year, all files that are on Google Code will deleted permanently. Google was also sent an email to all their users regarding this. There are some question that came in our mind, like:

  • What to do Now?

  • How we can save our Files or projects?

  • Where to find similar platform like Google Code?

Well, there are still some places where you can save and host your files. Even better than Google Code. The name of the site GitHub. Maybe many of you know about this site but don't know that how to use it. Well, there a simple tutorial: How to use GitHub? #01: Sign in to GitHub or Create account. #02: Create a new Repository. (By Click on + Icon then New Respository)

#03: Set Repository Name and Description i.e. i set name Design Blaster #04: Make it Public and Tick the Initialize this repository with a README #05: Select Jekyll for .gitignore

#06: Create repository. #07: Now Click branch button. #08: Write new Branch as gh-pages #09: Then click on Create Branch: gh-pages

#10: Click on Settings from the right side menu #11: Choose Default Branch as gh-pages

#12: Then Scroll down to Github Pages.

#13: You Successfully Create a Github Page i.e. i created http://hsinghhira.github.io/DesignDevta/

If you click on this URL then it shows error about 404 page not found because we don't upload anything yet.

#14: Now go back to your Repository.

#15: Click on + button to create a new file.

#16: Set File name with file extension i.e. date.js, style.css, etc .js and .css is the file extensions. #17: Paste File codes in large textarea.

#18: Then scroll down the page to the end. Click on green Commit new file button. #19: You successfully create a file for hosting. #20: To get files Hot Link (Direct Link), go to http://github-username.github.io/repository-name/filename i.e. http://hsinghhira.github.io/DesignDevta/date.js #21: You have created Direct link for your file. Now you can use it for hosting purpose also.

Extra Work (Optional)

As we know, if we go to http://hsinghhira.github.io/DesignDevta/ (Example) then it shows error 404 because there is no file on that link so we will create a index file. Lets go:

#1: Click on + button for Create a new file.

#2: Set File Name as index.html #3: Paste redirecting codes from below in textarea.

<META content='0;URL=http://[color=red]your-site-here[/color]' http-equiv='refresh'></META>

#4: Replace your-site-here with your site link/URL and Paste it in Textarea.

#5: Click on Commit new file. #6: Done. Go to: http://github-username.github.io/repository-name  Now if you go to my repository page (http://hsinghhira.github.io/DesignDevta) then it will redirected to this site.
Thank you for patronizing Design Blaster. I am sure your visit to us must be quite satisfying and in line with your expectations from us. Just in case, it's not as you expected from us or if you are facing any problem, kindly forward your feedback's directly to us by leave a Comment below or using our Contact form. And, get assured response from my side. Your feedback's and suggestions are extremely valuable to us. This Post is written by GeoKasur. There is no any source so Copying or using this post for your own site is not allowed. If anyone do so get ready for facing DMCA. Please, if you like this post then share on your social networking sites. Assuring you of our best service always.

Imagine having the whole wide world tuned in to your every update? Facebook subscribe - is one of the unique ways to get people subscribed to your every update even though they are not your friends on Facebook. When you have a huge subscriber base you can easily garner a large audience when you post about anything on your Facebook wall. Mark Zuckerberg has million people subscribed to him in real time; imagine the enormous traffic that each of his status update will generate?

Do you also want a large following? You also want to grow your subscriber base? Below are some quality tips on how you can successfully increase your Facebook subscriber base: #1: Disable Friend Request You can disable friend request or make them private. So when people want to connect with you, they'll find only the 'Follow' option. #2: Post Informative and Helpful Topics Getting information is the norm of the everyday life we now live in. When you place yourself as a good source of information you'll immediately start to get a quality following because of the need you satisfy. Focus on a niche you're very good and knowledgeable about and consistently post helpful topics to help those who might need it. "Give and take" is what every human being wants and craves for; everybody wants to take something, when you're not adding anything to a person's life you'll eventually be caught off or ignored.

To be significant on Facebook, one needs to add value to people's life on a consistent basis. Updating regularly about the niche you're very knowledgeable will automatically make you a hotspot on that topic, which will prompt people to subscribe to your Facebook updates. #3: Share Update with Public Due to some Facebook privacy concerns you might have stopped sharing update with people who are not your friend on Facebook and you might have also chosen to share your status update with your friends only. But to maximize your chances of getting Facebook subscribers to subscribe to your update, you'll need to share your post with "Public".

Remember, your friends are already automatically subscribed to your update immediately you became friends with them. The outsiders (your friends' friends) are the very ones that you're targeting. If they continually see your update and it is informative and unique they may likely subscribe to your update to get notification of anytime you would update again. But they can't see your quality and informative update if you've restricted your status update to "Friends" only. If you want them to see your update on a regular basis then tick the visibility level of your post form "Friends" to "Everybody". And surely, you'll see your subscriber base increase drastically.

#4: Use Facebook Subscribe Button Widget You can add a subscribe button like this on your blog or blog post. The Facebook Subscribe button will look like this:

This will work effectively if you have a website or blog. This is considered the best way to get subscribers to your Facebook page especially if your website is getting a huge amount of traffic at all times. To get a widget just go to Facebook developer site and create a unique Facebook subscribe button widget for your website or blog. Copy the code and paste it anywhere you like on your site and watch your subscribe count increase. #5: Comment on Famous Celebrity's status update You can connect with various famous celebrities on Facebook and interact with them publicly. This might help you to get recognition and their subscribers and friends might connect with you.

#6: Your Profile Up To Date A Facebook user will 99.9% likely not send a friend request to a person who doesn't have a profile picture or who has an incomplete profile. People need to feel secure before they can love and have friends on Facebook; Trust will have to be seen and earned before they will initiate friendship with anybody.

The more your Facebook profile looks more complete and mature, the more people will trust and may likely subscribe to you. Your Facebook profile is the most important page on your Facebook account; it contains important details about you, starting from details about who you are and what you have to offer to prospective friends who might eventually view your profile. Fill all the important details that is needed on your profile, especially your profile picture. Put a face to the name. You just have to prove that you're not a robot or a spammer who is out to con people of their valuables online. By filling all the needed details on your Facebook you will single-handily start seeing an increment in subscribers. Follow the above tips very well and you'll notice how popular you'll become. Have you tried out the Facebook subscribe? Which strategies have you being using that works and how has it helped your business or brand? Source: Hell Bound Bloggers Thank you for patronizing Design Blaster. I am sure your visit to us must be quite satisfying and in line with your expectations from us. Just in case, it's not as you expected from us or if you are facing any problem, kindly forward your feedback's directly to us by leave a Comment below or using our Contact form. And, get assured response from my side. Your feedback's and suggestions are extremely valuable to us. This Post is written by GeoKasur. There is no any source so Copying or using this post for your own site is not allowed. If anyone do so get ready for facing DMCA. Please, if you like this post then share on your social networking sites. Assuring you of our best service always.

Once you published a New Blog Post then you started waiting for Googlebot to crawl your new post to be indexed in Google. But it took many hours to index and sometimes days. This is also seen that if you have a new Blog and your traffic is not so much then Google do not index your less popular post. Now what to do in this kind of situations? Many other Bloggers give advise to submitting your Blog to Google Webmaster Tools for fast indexing but in reality, this is also not working for Less Traffic Blogs.

But Now No-More waiting for Indexing. Here a Trick to Index your Post on Google within Seconds. I'm talking about Fetch as GoogleTool in Webmaster Tools. Almost every Blogger has an account on Google Webmaster but we never saw it completely. Here I'm explaining about Fetch as Google tool, developed by Google Webmaster tools where you can submit your blog to crawl and indexed very fast. This is 100% working trick and safe. Many other sites posting many tricks to index fast through various ways but that's all tricks are illegal and against Google policies. Use this 100% safe trick.
So let's get Started
First if you do not have account on Google Webmaster Tools then Create new one and add your site to Webmaster tools. Then use below two steps: Step 1:  Submit your Site's Sitemap. #1: Go to Webmasters Dashboard and Click on your Site #2: Then from the left side menu, Click on Crawl then Sitemaps.

#3: Click on Red "ADD/TEST SITEMAP" button.

#4: Enter sitemap.xml in Text field.

#5: Then Click Submit Sitemap.
#6: Refresh the Page. Done.

Step 2: Trick to Index Fast. #1: Now, Click on Fetch as Google Option from Crawl.

#2: Enter your Post's URL but without Domain name, example below. Enter Red Text only.


#3: Then Click on Fetch Button.
#4: Your URL Fetch properly.
#5: Click on Submit to index Button.

#6: A popup will Appeared. Choose Crawl only site URL Option and Click Go Button.

#7: Done.

Now your Post successfully Index on Google. If you want to check it then go to Google and Search for "site:your-post-link" or click here for example.

Note: You can only Fetch 500 URL in a Month.

Image Courtesy:  Financial Gazette Thank you for patronizing Design Blaster. I am sure your visit to us must be quite satisfying and in line with your expectations from us. Just in case, it's not as you expected from us or if you are facing any problem, kindly forward your feedback's directly to us by leave a Comment below or using our Contact form. And, get assured response from my side. Your feedback's and suggestions are extremely valuable to us. Please, if you like our this post then share on your social network. Assuring you of our best service always.

Another post about Facebook. My first post on my this blog about "How to Block App Requests with three methods?" helps many but that post is for particular apps. In my today's post, i will show you that how you can disable your Facebook account for Apps. With this method, you will no more saw any app request in Notification. This is trick is great for those do not use any single app.

On the other hand, there are many disadvantages of this trick. If you use Log in with Facebook on Sites like Spotify, etc then you will no more use this feature. Many Users also added their Twitter and Instagram account their in Facebook. These Users also can't access their Twitter and Instagram through Facebook medium because these applications also work and run through/with Facebook apps and if you disable your Facebook apps then application no more access your account. This Trick only useful for; those uses Facebook for chatting, etc purpose only. How to Disable Apps? #1: Log in to Facebook #2: Click on Settings #3: Click on Apps Option from left side menu or click here

#4: Click on Edit button for Apps, Websites and Plugins.

#5: A popup will appeared. Then click on Blue Disable Platform Button.

#6: Done Image Courtesy: Techtudo Thank you for patronizing Design Blaster. I am sure your visit to us must be quite satisfying and in line with your expectations from us. Just in case, it's not as you expected from us or if you are facing any problem, kindly forward your feedback's directly to us by leave a Comment below or using our Contact form. And, get assured response from my side. Your feedback's and suggestions are extremely valuable to us. Please, if you like our this post then share on your social network. Assuring you of our best service always.

If you have Internet Broadband Plan in your PC but still paying for 2G/3G Data Plan for your Mobile because of Apps Updations and downloading Apps. Then why you shouldn't Download Android Apps directly in your computer from Google Play Store? Many of you thought that this is not possible but now it is. Now no need to pay for 2G/3G Plans. No matters how long your app is. You can easily download it from your Google Play Store in your PC then later transfer it in your Mobile through USB Wire. There is also no need to Sign in your Account. You can download the App anonymously from your computer.

How to Download? #1: Go to Google Play Store and search for your App that you want to Download and Install. #2: Copy the Full URL from your Browser's Address bar.

#3: Click here and Paste Copied URL in Text Field then Click 'Generate Download Link' Blue Button. (Wait for few seconds or maybe for minute while generating download link.) #4: Atlast click on Green Button as in below Image.

#5: Done.

Troubleshooting If Site Showed Error like Invalid token something then reload the page and start again.
Thank you for patronizing Design Blaster. I am sure your visit to us must be quite satisfying and in line with your expectations from us. Just in case, it's not as you expected from us or if you are facing any problem, kindly forward your feedback's directly to us by leave a Comment below or using our Contact form. And, get assured response from my side. Your feedback's and suggestions are extremely valuable to us. Please, if you like our this post then share on your social network. Assuring you of our best service always.

After my yesterday's Post "How to Disable Facebook Autoplay Video"; i'm back with my new post again about Facebook. Facebook is largest Social Media Network having 100 millions Users around the world. Facebook is the best way to stay connected with our Friends and Family members, and for some 'Unknowns' also. Facebook limit for making friends is 5000. Facebook gives all option to filtering friends by Current City, birthdays, Hometown and many more except Lost Friends. Friends those remove you from their friend list. So here a way to find out.

#1: By Installing Extensions

  • Install the Extensions for your Browser. For Chrome & For Firefox.

  • Done. Now it will notify you whenever someone remove you from his/her List.

  • You can also check this by go to you friend list then click on Lost Friends Option.

#2: Some Online Methods

Thank you for patronizing Design Blaster. I am sure your visit to us must be quite satisfying and in line with your expectations from us. Just in case, it's not as you expected from us or if you are facing any problem, kindly forward your feedback's directly to us by leave a Comment below or using our Contact form. And, get assured response from my side. Your feedback's and suggestions are extremely valuable to us. Please, if you like our this post then share on your social network. Assuring you of our best service always.


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